I am very pleased to interact with you on this subject. I don’t know if we need more or less dimensions, but in exploring this, we are going in the right direction. I look forward to your more in depth analysis in another comment or article.
I think that massless quanta are in a frame of reference (FOR) that has only two dimensions, so our two additional dimensions are not in their FOR. You may be right that the answer is to suppose less dimensions, but I am not sure why.
The thing I like about Tim’s 5th dimension is that it might explain the “spooky action at a distance”, but that may not be the answer. I have read his paper (it’s only 12 pages) and he has the mathematics to describe the hypothesis of a 5th dimension. Of course that does not mean that it is reality. I will stop here too so as not to be too wordy for a reply, but I encourage more dialog.