That is a very illuminating light cone. I want to talk to you about how entanglement causes the conservation laws. Ever since you said that, I have been thinking about it and how to explore how that works. I have written an outline for a possible article about that. Either I will write it alone, or, if you want to, we could collaborate. We could send each other updates on our thinking and see where it goes. We could use my outline as a guide or just share stand alone thoughts. Here it is:
John Karpinsky
Entanglement is the Source of the Conservation Laws of Physics
September 26, 2021
First, we know that entanglement is information. That is the basis for quantum computing. We need to follow this lead into the nature of space-time to derive the method by which the information of entanglement manifests the conservation laws that govern all of physics.
1. Entanglement is information.
2. Information is the basis of Mathematics.
a. Mathematical structures are part of reality that exist now, and have always existed independent of everything material or physical.
b. The developments of quantum computing can be used to provide insight into how that information and the mathematical structures form the conservation laws.
3. The structure of the laws of physics is created by Mathematics.
4. This Mathematical structure with entanglement causes the conservation laws.